Electric Light-A Gift From the Eclipse, Today..

The Magickal Pen

Drexel Hill, PA
1:34 – 2:44 peak

Electric Light heated
By growing anticipation.

Cloud in sky becomes
The backdrop for dramatic
Celestial design.

My body stands ready
To receive the electromagnetic
Charge of completion.

I will not fuel my
Inner Sun for this
Is a time for holding
What is steady within.

Instead I will breathe
In a Light that as the
Heart passes will gather
To itself that which
Flares unproductively
In my solarscape.

I/We are children of
The Sun and Moon and
We move in the cyclical
Paths of heated waters.

Will and Action
Heart and Tides
Filling the cofers
Of our cosmic Soul.

Minutes pass and
The Light seemingly
Dims shrouded by
The shadow of its
Consort’s veiling.

I am a daughter
Of the Sun and
I am a Priestess
Of the Moon.

I embrace the
Birthrite of
Their power
Filled Union.

And what has been

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7 thoughts on “Electric Light-A Gift From the Eclipse, Today..

      1. Yes, up and down like a pogo stick. Seasonal allergies are rather bad this year. I do not think it is the virus, but my energy has been down a bit. It happens each spring (during one allergy season) and fall (during the other allergy season). I keep meaning to start playing with cartooning, and our chats remind me again each time.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. MILD sore throat today, so concerned. The sore throat is often a first symptom of Covid. I hope it is just another allergy complication that will soon pass. (Arrrgh!)


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